Dorset Primary School Wellbeing Overview

School Philosophy and Values

Our school is an inclusive community that empowers all students to become passionate lifelong learners, achieve maximum potential and build their emotional physical and social wellbeing.

Our vision is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children will recognise and achieve their fullest potential, so that they can make their best contribution to society. Our goal is that children leave school with:

  • A set of personal values
  • A complement of skills
  • An enquiring and discriminating mind and a desire for knowledge
  • Strong self-esteem and high personal expectation

Find More information in the Principal's Message!

Principal's Message

Restorative Practices refers to the belief that people will make positive changes when those in positions of authority do things with them rather than to or for them.

Through the use of restorative circles our focus is on developing positive classroom climate student voice and agency.

restorative circles are used for:

  • Consistency of approach and language amongst staff, parents and students
  • Clear, consistent expectations and boundaries that are firm and fair
  • High expectations
  • All staff must model the philosophy and values
  • Building respectful relationships between staff, students, parents
  • Circles – use a variety of circles e.g. learning, check in, intervention, response, preparation, check out.

Our commitment is to each individual student’s academic, social and emotional development. We are dedicated to developing positive relationships in order to work together with all stakeholders to achieve the best possible education for our student.

Our School Culture

Our School Culture is continually evolving to provide students with the structure needed to develop strategies to deal with social, emotional and physical issues.

Restorative Practice is our whole school approach for developing a positive, relational ethos around the Dorset Primary School community.  We are committed to building strong relationships using the restorative approach to deal with conflict, to repair harm and to maintain high expectations. Our commitment allows us to develop consistent language when dealing with all levels of student behaviour following a clear process.

A link to our wellbeing policies and overview is linked here! 

Wellbeing, Engagement and Inclusion